I bought that exact saddle when I started cycling last year. For the first (short) ride or two, the padding was welcome. I soon found, however, that it was rubbing me raw for any ride over a few miles, even through cycle shorts. Not niceMine you - I have heard some great things about the gel saddles on Amazon from a some users. Never used them myself, but for casual riders - might be ok....actually, the stock saddle might be ok!
This is the one I’ve read about. It’s not as wide as some ladies saddles, but bigger is not always better so I have been told! And can you post back on how you got in with the store!!? As I might try them too.
View: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07DB3KVPS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_fabc_GGKM5ZC78MK46VWC4S81