I got my new bike this morning
A specilized vita x small
I cycled it across Ikeas car park on the way back to the car and crashed it into a wire fence causing a racket not disimiliar to a sack of spanners going down the stairs and make all unsundery stop and stare,
I popped it in the car no mean feat given that I drive a Ford Ka and after getting it home took it for a (wobbly) spin round the block.
A specilized vita x small
I cycled it across Ikeas car park on the way back to the car and crashed it into a wire fence causing a racket not disimiliar to a sack of spanners going down the stairs and make all unsundery stop and stare,

I popped it in the car no mean feat given that I drive a Ford Ka and after getting it home took it for a (wobbly) spin round the block.