Look no hands

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Über Member
I think to a certain extent it has to do with the bike, and its geometry etc. I can ride no-hands for as long as I want on my MTB, through corners and over bumpy roads - But on my road bike I find it much harder to stay balances no-handed for any long period of time.


Well-Known Member
I was thinking about this, last night and as a 40 year old (41 in November), I'm probably in that same category of being able to ride no-hands with my eyes closed as a kid, now I'd be too scared, I think, to even try.

One thing I always wanted to do as a kid, but never managed to learn, was a wheelie. Do you think I could learn for the first time, in my 40s or is that sheer lunacy?

Imagine how impressed the wife would be. Well, on second thoughts....


New Member
Oh, to learn to wheelie is an absolute must once you hit your forties :biggrin:

I think that Mrs Regan would find you irresistable once she has seen you do that!


Senior Member
I'm 16 and I just can't work out how to wheely, I can bunnyhop, ride no hands and do a 180 degree 'drift' but wheelying I just can't do! It just feels.. unsafe :tongue:


It has nothing to do with the skill being lost, but the fact every bike is a little different and you need to adapt for it. I do it all the time, but if i switch to a bike i haven't driven before it takes some time to adapt.

I agree. As a lad I used to ride along quite hapily without hands on the bars. Like our op I tried it again a while ago and found it incredibly difficult. However when I tried it on my other bike. (both hybrids, both quite similar) I could do it no problem. As a lad I had road bikes or racers as we called them then (then again I still call a top tube the crossbar) and I think it is easiest of all on one of these. It just seems to be with how the geometry is and where your centre of gravity is. Things might be more precarious these days as I am a much heavier than I was at 15.

A cuationary note. My first bike was a second hand gents bike with sturmy archer 3 gear hub. I was riding this once without hands on bars and was going up a slight incline. Unfortunately the togggle chain was not correctly adjusted and the bike slipped into the neutral position between gears. Because I was pushing down quite hard on the pedal at the time I slipped and cracked my nuts really hard on the crossbar. It still makes me wince to think about it.

Not to mention how utterly stupid it made me look when I thought I was beeing as cool as a mountain stream.

The Brewer

Shed Dweller
When i load my panniers for a 'Tour' i take the bike out and do 'non-handed' to make sure the weight is evenly distributed...:thumbsup:. Had a few scares when it wasn't!!!:ohmy:

Now that's a nice tip for when I do my little tour next year :thumbsup:

I've been practising for a couple of weeks and I'm fairly comfortable now zipping up my jacket or just stretching my back, used to cycle everywhere in the early eighties with no hands, but pleased to say its coming back to me


I bought the kids a cycling cap each from "Look Mum No Hands", I'll admit they do look really cool in them (and it's frequently commented upon) but then I had to explain what it means. Must admit I'm not as confident as I was as a kid but it does vary in difficulty on which bike I'm on



david k

North West
Now before we start, I know its dangerous etc etc.

When I was a kid I used to be able to ride my "racer" with both my hands in my jacket pockets for as far as I liked, I could even turn corners. This was particularly cool for riding to school, past the library and up to the bike shed.

Whilst out the other day along a quiet country lane I tried to see if i had retained this skill. Unfortunately, it seems that either the skill has been lost or I just dont have the required bravery to sit up and leave go.

My question is, are modern road bikes more difficult to ride no hands or is it really just down to my lack of ability?


i used to do the same, never felt out of control, no im lucky to ride 10 yards no hands


New Member
i ride far too much with no hands.

At first it was 1 hand but now with clip-ins it just soo easy, though probably not good idea lol.

p.s i dont do it on roads, unlike the kid i saw with BMX wheelieing, with Earphones down a bussy road holding up 7 cars and a bus ..


Swinglish Mountain Goat
1585460 said:
Inspired by this thread, I have just ridden along the undercliff path from Peacehaven, through the Marina, and along Madeira Drive to the Palace Pier. Apart from when I was near other people and wanting to cover the brake, I managed it all no hands.

I'm riding no handed right now...
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