Since you used the word "desperate"
I came to really enjoy winter camping despite thinking I'd hate it. Those long nights can be a very pleasant break from "normal" life, snuggled up in a tent with a kindle or a podcast. And a flask of something hot - tea, chocolate and sometimes gluhwein 
Of course, decent or suitable gear helps.
Do you have any farmer friends? Anyone with a garden for a tent? It might seem strange, but loading up and heading off, even if to a friend, can go a long way to recreating "touring mode".
My first winter camp was about 8km from home at a friend's farm!
When time was short and the urge was high I could often be found pitched up not too far from my home after riding 80-90 km. Home early the next day.
Warmshowers is a cycle touring community where people offer cycle tourists accommodation. In these Covid times, perhaps not much help, but they might have "local" knowledge that can be helpful or a socially distanced garden.
Where there's a will, there's a way!
Good luck!