gave up my beloved landrover county with all the extras. including the finance, the aa website reckons i save £12,000 p.a. but, i was driving up and down the country fixing machines. change of lifestyle, re-training at the moment.
other plus's:- when i get home, my exercise is done. my blood pressure is way down, i have lost a little bit of weight, petrol prices going up doesn't bother me as much (wife still has car, but uses moped as well).
minus's:- seriously, none. well, maybe it's too easy to stop for a pint on the way home now.
been doing it 18 months now. 1st winter was hard as i was learning that scrimping on goretex is silly on long distance commutes like mine.
i reckon we could live easily without a car, especially now the other half uses a moped. trying to convince her tho, is another story.