Live Rocket Launch

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Was in tears watching it... really exciting and emotional.... when the boosters fired to land it was amazing, I was clapping.... real controlled landing... fantastic.... Can't wait for the Space tourist moon shot Elons promised for later this year!

Edit: and Starman in his Tesla.... WTF.... just fab


Seeing this:


Has just made me realise that Elon Musk is actually this guy.



Legendary Member
I reckon we will be on Mars by mid 2020's.... manned trip around moon planned for later this year! first time back to the moon since 1972

A highly elliptical free return trajectory is planned for that - they spacefraft will apogee 100,000 miles beyond the moon, deeper into space than any human before. When that mission launches i'm going to stock up on beer and salty snacks and watch every second on the telly.


Legendary Member
Well, engineers. People who want to be engineers but who have ten thumbs become scientists instead ;)

My under and post grad parchments are in related fields, so this is fascinating, exciting, almost religious for me. This represents a quantum jump in technical capability and price-to-orbit reduction, but to do it all at once, in one hit, and get it right first go is just staggering. The two boosters landing in oerfct synchronisation almost made me cry.

Musk has just made a human mission to Mars a very real technical and financial possibility. We have just witnessed a historic moment in aviation and exploration. I'm still just blown away.


Resting in suspended Animation
The core crashed into the sea 300 feet away at 300 miles per hour.

Such an amazing launch though.

Can't wait for spaceX's vastly more ambitious rocket which will replace the heavy.


Standing half a metre away from me is this

I finished putting it together last Saturday.
I have to confess that I was wide eyed and slack jawed when I watched the boosters coming back to earth.
Probably in the same way as I was when, as a 11 year old, I watched the first moon landing.
Remarkable stuff.


What's truly blown my mind was that this wasn't achieved by a state, but a person with a vision....and a hole heap of money!
That explains why it succeeded. If NASA had embarked on this path then there would have been design by committee, the Military would have stuck their oar in, and funding would be compromised. After the first two failures NASA heads would have to be up in front of congressional committees, pauses and reviews would have taken place, goalposts would be moved and the media would whinge.

Instead with each success or spectacular failure Musk sat there with a smile on his face, said how much they learned from the event and carried on.

With regard to the car, I have seen people moaning on social media that it was a wasteful stunt. Well yes, but it made a point about getting a human vehicle to Mars, and it would seriously wind up Richard Branson - which is reason enough for doing it.
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