Lithotripsy Today.

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Eh? CunobelinWorld obviously consists of Men and Feminists. Anyway, I'll leave it there before you get into one of your mad bulldog modes.

My apologies as this is slightly OT, but for the enlightenment and education of some with a personal agenda

There is a genuine debate over the use of anaesthesia and pain relief as opposed to "natural chidbirth" withthe emphasis on women having the choice,
THAT is why the subject of pain in childbirth is a feminist agenda as referred to in my post. This article gives the feminist point of view. There are others that support this, you could also look at the work of the Fawcett Society in the field.

Onthe bright side, at least the insults this time are non-sexist, and do not refer to the female anatomy
I didn't know a knob (which is what you are being) was female anatomy...

You are obviously ignorant of the language used by TMN elsewhere.... and removed by the moderators along with other posts

Lets just leave that there?
Did you use a fine sieve to catch any souvenirs?

... and washed it out before returning it to the kitchen?

Seems bizarre, but happens in reality

I remember a District Nursing Colleague who when newly appointed and visited a Restaurant in London with a supervisor.

The woman was very hospitable and offered them her and her colleague tea whilst they went through the details, which being Nurses they accepted, and were enjoying.

Then came the problem

They were giving a long term birth control medicine, and had to make sure the patient was not pregnant, so they asked for a urine sample to perform a pregnancy test.Which the woman brought back to them... in a cup identical to the ones they were drinking tea out of.

They didn't finish the tea!

I have also seen a stool sample brought in contained in the bowl from a food processor as it was" the only thing the patient had big enough to catch it in".... again they wanted it back as they fully intended to put it back into use

I have also seen a sperm sample brought in in a yellow plastic Kinder Egg case..... although the patient did not ask for that back
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