You will good to go with that one, you will also get a good charger and battery packOK ordered the Oriole - 2 x Cree should light the way adequately and am now looking forward to receiving it.
I've skim read quite far back into this thread looking for information about battery packs and as far as I can tell I want a waterproof case to store 4 18650s in a 2 series 2 parallel configuration to get the voltage the light needs (I will be running a single T6) and x2 the mAh of one of the induvidual single cells used.
I can solder and shorten cables so that's not a problem. The problem I'm having is that I can't seem to find any waterproof cases, could someone point me towards a site or tell me which terms to search for? It sounds stupid but I've tried nearly every combination of '18650' 'battery' 'waterproof' 'case' 'pack' 'holder' that I can think of and I can't see anything similar to what other people have used in this thread...
Search for pannovo battery case. I'll have a look. I bought a job lot last year direct from China.
You will good to go with that one, you will also get a good charger and battery pack
The Torchy ones are a little dearer, but he does offer reliability and he is a good ebay seller.
Keep it as a backup, that's what I've done with my Moon 500 that was previously my favourite light.Not sure what I'll do with my Cateye