A very late updageq for those that have been on tenterhooks wondering how the decision went (which I'm sure was none of you).
I'd go back tomorrow with no hesitation. However, after discussion with Mts D we've decided to leave it 7 or 8 years.
Rationale - Mrs D is 10 years younger than me, and provided her health holds she is now well establised in a 2nd career, and not only is she earning a good coin on topmof her police ill health pension, its a safe, stable job in the public sector, and there aren't many of those about. Having had to leave the police due to ill health I think she feels that she still has unfinished business with her career, and now things are going well she doesnt want to back away from that.
The other issue is Mini D #3, Mrs D's eldest daughter, my adopted daughter. Shes not long left home and has bought a hoise, got her own career sorted and has started out on the long road of adult life. Mrs D doesn't want to move awsy from her just yer.
Then there is mini D #4. She'll be an adult then and can make an informed decision whether to stay near her Sisters, or come with us,
So, after months of earnest discussion ive acquiesced. I don't feel any connection with rural Poshshire, and don't feel settled or engaged in it. On the other hand, a small village in the anus of nowhere, yet still within easy reach of 2 large towns , isn't such a bad place to be, so here were are for another 7 or 8 years. That'll take me to 60ish, and then Mrs D says I can then take her home with me.
And it'll be back to Voe. Having checked out the Hossy in lerwick theyre probably the best equipped place north of Edinburgh to look after Mrs D, so thats not such a worry. I still have family and friends on Shaetland who (prior to the virus situation) I'd see once or twice a year.
So I need to sit tight in Poshshire for a few more years. To be honest, im sure it'll fly by. I don't know where 2020 went,and I doubt the future will go any slower.