Life is hell - official

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Well-Known Member
If Aldi is like Lidl, I think the cashiers are timed for how quickly they pass the purchases through.


Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
All anyone needs to do is put the items promptly back in the trolley as they are scanned at the checkout. I am old and slow and have no problems doing that at a speed which keeps up with the fastest checkout op in Aldi.
It's the supermarkets where there are no facilities for packing your bags other than at the checkout, which irritate me. I need to pack carefully as I don't have a car and so carry my shopping a considerable distance to the bus station. I can do this without feeling that I'm delaying anyone in both Aldi and Lidl, where there's a bench a short way from the checkouts and at just the right height for unloading the trolley and filling your bags.
I used to like going shopping with the baby in the sling. One shopping trip is about the length of their boredom threshold / nap, so they would inevitably start crying as I reached the till. At this point someone would appear and offer to unload my trolley and pack my bags for me. It kind of felt a bit fraudulent being waited on but it was nice. You get less of that with a two and a six year old.


Charming but somewhat feckless
If the cashiers are fast you can run the shop with fewer staff and keep the prices low. So get it scanned, chuck it in the trolley and pack it at your leisure at the designated packing area. That's how it works and to deliberately slow the process down is disrespectful to other customers.

Other supermarkets fine, take your time. Personally I have the children scan, and pack the stuff myself as I'm going round. It gives the kids something to do and keeps human interaction to the bare minimum which is how I like it.

I am methodical in my packing and have used my waiting time to arrange my shopping in the order I want it to go in my bags, heavier stuff at the start, all veg together, then lighter stuff, leaving squishables to the end.

The pace I put it all in the bags ensures nothing gets damaged and I am out of the way as soon as possible but I don’t fret if the cashier gets it all scanned before I am ready to pay. I won’t be rushed. Nor will I be told my trolley is at the wrong angle but that’s a different gripe.


Obviously an Aubergine
my OH is in Waitrose right now. I wonder if she will be back in the next couple of hours?

The till staff there keep me chatting longer than I'd like sometimes.

I used to like going shopping with the baby in the sling. One shopping trip is about the length of their boredom threshold / nap, so they would inevitably start crying as I reached the till. At this point someone would appear and offer to unload my trolley and pack my bags for me. It kind of felt a bit fraudulent being waited on but it was nice. You get less of that with a two and a six year old.

And then one day, they get to be twenty something, and can go do shopping for you , it's time well invested in the end :smile:
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Charming but somewhat feckless
The till staff there keep me chatting longer than I'd like sometimes

Oddly, I had that recently in Aldi. The cashier noticed the bags of bread flour and asked if I made bread by hand. It met with his approval that I did and we discussed poolish and biga methods as well as hydration levels of breads. Very nice chap he was.


Obviously an Aubergine
Oddly, I had that recently in Aldi. The cashier noticed the bags of bread flour and asked if I made bread by hand. It met with his approval that I did and we discussed poolish and biga methods as well as hydration levels of breads. Very nice chap he was.

Humans interacting with humans, in the course of mercantile exchange..:eek:

Whatever next..

Trouble is in small town shops you start to get known as "the woman who..."

Shopping can take hours, with all the gossip, and progress enquiries ensuing.

Talking of homemade bread, or in this case pizza :hungry: the dinner gong, has gone



Legendary Member
Ok, it's time for a rant about Aldi. The other night not only did i have the super fast checkout to endure, but also the twonk behind me in the queue decided to stand behind me as i was about to pay! Yes that's right, he actually bloody well stood behind me as if to say "Come on get a move on"! I know it's an old cliche, but if had been 20/15 years younger:rolleyes: i'd have said something to him like "Why don't you sit on my f..k..g shoulder and have done with it"!! I can't do that now, so instead i did the senile old dodderer act and said "oh dear i can't find my bank card", so i paid the £7 odd in 50 pences,20 pences,10 pences, 2 pences....:whistle: I could sense the steam coming out of Mr Impatient's ears! :laugh:

Are you sure it was an act? :rolleyes:
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