Ok, it's time for a rant about Aldi. The other night not only did i have the super fast checkout to endure, but also the twonk behind me in the queue decided to stand behind me as i was about to pay! Yes that's right, he actually bloody well stood behind me as if to say "Come on get a move on"! I know it's an old cliche, but if had been 20/15 years younger

i'd have said something to him like "Why don't you sit on my f..k..g shoulder and have done with it"!! I can't do that now, so instead i did the
senile old dodderer act and said "oh dear i can't find my bank card", so i paid the £7 odd in 50 pences,20 pences,10 pences, 2 pences....

I could sense the steam coming out of Mr Impatient's ears!