well, I went out for a few hours to give the new kit a go and i absolutely blanked

Not even the slightest love tap.
I spent 30mins hiking the 1.6miles to the location then some 2hrs of walking up the river and tossing lures in some pretty shallow water which was full of weed before calling it a day and hiking the rest of the way home.
I half regret paying club membership as the water was way to shallow for my liking which now means i will have to travel further from home then previously thought for a good fishing spot. So much for keeping it local
water also had tonnes of weed and since im a newcomer to baitcasters, I couldnt get good range unless the wind stopped blowing. I may need to invest in heavier lures and maybe an electric scooter to get me further afield.
The sun was out and i could literally see my lure in the water but the place was just devoid of fish. I occasionally did hit a good cast and managed to lob the lure to the otherside of the river bank near some overhanging trees or weed but absolutely no life what so ever.
I covered half a mile of water before calling it a day and walking the 2.2miles home.
Got the baitcaster dialed in and didnt suffer any serious backlashes or birdsnests though

all that youtube studying paid off. Now if only i could find some pike to inhale the lure like they did in some of these videos

Next trip out will be this sunday