When I was on hols a few weeks ago, I took a small amount of tackle with me as I'd said to my grandson (6) that I'd introduce him to the art.
I walked around the lake on the site where we were staying and found a good spot.
I could see carp broaching the surface, and some more in the reed margins.
On the last morning, we walked there, him in great excitement & anticipation!
We threw some sweetcorn in as we got ready to fish.
The water was boiling with carp, all somewhere between 5lb & 10lb I reckon.
Then a chap came up and said fishing was not allowed until Defra had checked and inspected the waters due to bacterial infection in the fish!! 😔
We just stood there and fed the remaining corn to the shoal..
Sad that there was a problem, but more than that, that my grandson's 1st fishing expedition didn't happen..
I think we'll have to do the local canal, soon.