Lesson learned NEVER ride without your helmet !

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Über Member
South of hades
Wow,this is a contentious subject :ohmy:
I reiterate, I work in medical imaging in a busy hospital in southern England. I see a lot of badly injured cyclists. Never met one yet who said he wishes he rode helmetless. Going without can be life changing, however I respect freedom of choice.
It's your head,your choice.

I rode 40 odd years without and survived,I now wear one.Its coz I'm old and risk averse. :laugh:

berty bassett

Legendary Member
guess i got dragged in ! my own fault
please continue ini your merry ways and i will continue in mine
in my eyes my helmet didnt fail - it took the brunt of the collision with either a metal or glass object , the helmet splitting would have taken some of the sting out of bare skin hitting said items though i have no tech evidence to prove so - just logic , same as a rolled up towel would have cushioned the blow
i wont be bothering to comment further as think this is going down a rabbit hole
its so much easier to say i don't want to wear a helmet so i won't than quoting stats when we all know just by looking at goverments that stats can prove whatever you want them to
i wear a helmet as i believe it is safer to do so while riding a bike , i make my grandson wear a helmet while riding a bike as i believe it is safer for him to do so , i care about me and him , not that bothered what you decide to do , take care


Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
Cycling helmets aren’t designed, tested or approved for protection in a collision with another vehicle.

Check with the manufacturer what its limitations are and you’ll find they’re for mitigating lesser injuries sustained in a fall from a stationary position. Your helmet split so it has failed, not surprising as it was in an event outwith its design and function parameters.

See also this…

View: https://twitter.com/SurreyRoadCops/status/1437662304498327553?s=19

Yeah but did you see the way that Operation Dragoon themselves absolutely folded when presented with that list of whataboutery? It was embarrassing.

View: https://twitter.com/OpDragoon/status/1437447475774861312?s=19


Many on here still won’t use a lid, some won’t have the Covid vaccine. It’s all down to personal choice.
Heal well.

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
Wow,this is a contentious subject :ohmy:
I reiterate, I work in medical imaging in a busy hospital in southern England. I see a lot of badly injured cyclists. Never met one yet who said he wishes he rode helmetless. Going without can be life changing, however I respect freedom of choice.
It's your head,your choice.

I rode 40 odd years without and survived,I now wear one.Its coz I'm old and risk averse. :laugh:

You will see 5 times as many car occupants . Do they regret not wearing a helmet?


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Slippery scientist
Two points arise from this:
You don’t see the ones that have avoided serious injury.
If they’re badly injured, how useful were their magic hats?
For balance, I assume he will also not be seeing the dead ones.


Resolutely on topic
For balance, I assume he will also not be seeing the dead ones.
Point taken, although the number of fatalities is more readily quantifiable than serious injuries since they should be reliably recorded as such. It is too high, of course, and no less distressing to those involved for being a rare event, but on its own doesn't say much about the value of helmet use.


Charming but somewhat feckless
its so much easier to say i don't want to wear a helmet so i won't than quoting stats when we all know just by looking at goverments that stats can prove whatever you want them to
i wear a helmet as i believe it is safer

I make my choice based on available evidence, not belief and not just because "I don't want to".

I fully accept your choice to wear one and wouldn't dream of telling you not to but this thread was started by someone telling everyone to wear a helmet on every ride and that's not on. If people want to convince me that wearing a helmet is effective then they need to do so with evidence, not anecdotes of how they think it saved their life once in a crash that the helmet wasn't built for.

Otherwise we'll all might as well be carrying Jamaican ginger cake around...

ginger cake saved my life.jpg


Leg End Member
Do you wear a helmet when you are walking or driving? If not why not ?
Done more damage to the skull/head whilst walking than cycling, but at times the injuries are different. Especially surface injuries.

Can't recall ever sliding down a road surface whilst walking, nor just face planting, whilst stationary, on a bike.


So basically, you take the "I'm all right Jack!" approach! Marvellous.
(Something tells me you wouldn't exactly leap out of your chair if mandatory helmet laws were proposed. There's a fair chance that an MP whom YOU voted for has proposed or supported such things.)

If club rides mandated NO helmets it still wouldn't make any difference at a to me.

Why should I care either way?.

Maybe start your own helmet-less cycling club up as a productive hobby?.

I've got enough on my plate already..


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
Actually not a silly question. There’s a slightly higher risk you’ll injure your head walking than cycling. If your assessment was risk based. You’d not decide to wear a helmet cycling without also deciding to wear one when walking.
I seem to recall the head injury stats showed that most, or maybe 'many' head injuries occur in the home... but mentioning this to anyone who's preaching 'protect your noggin' and all of a sudden, the idea of wearing a polystyrene hat is ludicrous :whistle:
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