In the last 2 weeks while cycling home from work I have encountered two road users just waiting to be knocked off by potentially
innocent car drivers. I have challenged them both!
1st was a young kid riding an e-scooter along the busy road in the dark, weaving in and out of the traffic flow as he passed parked vehicles, in and out of the shadows on his black scooter, dressed all in black (I'm no hi-viz advocate but believe in sufficient lights to give other road users a chance.) and with a wholly inadequate lighting (No front light and just a dim red led down at floor/heel level). After warning him his actions were putting him in danger I have since encountered him another two times. Once nearly bowled over by him passing me at speed on the pavement while I was fixing a puncture and then again, shortly after encountering another scootering moron!
The second scooterist(?) was using a purely foot propelled contraption and merrily along the road in a similar manner to the first scooterist but this time completely without lights and after I passed him and then later stopped at a red light he sailed past me making a vrooming noise, passing through the red light and perilously weaving through the traffic at a busy crossroads. When I passed him again a short distance later I told him blankly what I thought of his actions and he didn't like it!

I initially thought he was a bigger kid, but having a bit of a confrontation over the next few junctions I actually think he was in his early-mid twenties....
I put both the above road users into a similar category as the 'left hooked' (

) bicycle user in the vid clip.