Lawful to Eat & Drink on the Move?

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Über Member
As an HGV driver I could tell you of lots of things other drivers do whilst behind the wheel of a car or van, some of those things are much less savoury than one would like to imagine at this time of the morning!

Motorway plod have trucks without speed limiters that pull alongside and video what you are doing whilst driving. This includes, obviously, usung a mobile phone, eating, fiddling with anything that might be construed as illegal.

On cycling, I find it awkward eating as it affects my breathing so tend not to.
hah - having the George Foreman grill sizzling on the dash, time it so its ready to eat when you park up for your 45


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
Don't understand why you would want to eat on the move. Find somewhere with a nice view and enjoy your lunch in an unhurried fashion. What's the rush? Less chance of dropping your caviar or spilling your champagne and less chance of indigestion.
Places to be, people to see. Some of us work and aren't the idle rich!


New Member
Don't understand why you would want to eat on the move. Find somewhere with a nice view and enjoy your lunch in an unhurried fashion. What's the rush? Less chance of dropping your caviar or spilling your champagne and less chance of indigestion.

Unless you're in a race, then I really don't know why you'd not stop to eat & drink........Some people take copying the pros to ridiculous lengths.

Ian H

Ancient randonneur
Unless you're in a race, then I really don't know why you'd not stop to eat & drink........Some people take copying the pros to ridiculous lengths.

If you're travelling any distance you wouldn't want to stop every time you needed a drink.


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
I've done plenty of century rides in the past and never ate or drank on the move. I wasn't racing anyone.
Whereas I generally eat and drink on the move, still not racing anyone. The fen scenery takes long enough to change without stopping in the middle of it too much!

Each to their own! It's legal as long as you keep control.


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
Smoking is difficult on a bike as I found out as a teenager.

That was my good Umbro raincoat too. :unsure:
An open full-size coffee cup with an espresso at the bottom was involved in my worst food/drink-on-the-move incident. I bounced over a sunken manhole cover descending from Granary Square to King's Cross (roughly King's Boulevard but I think it was before that was finished), but thankfully the damage was limited to giving myself a coffee shower before the train home.


Active Member
An open full-size coffee cup with an espresso at the bottom was involved in my worst food/drink-on-the-move incident. I bounced over a sunken manhole cover descending from Granary Square to King's Cross (roughly King's Boulevard but I think it was before that was finished), but thankfully the damage was limited to giving myself a coffee shower before the train home.

Can top that. Was cycling to work in Canada on my new bike, stopped to get a takeaway coffee at the gates and rolled down the hill to the office one handed. Noticed a speed bump so braked hard*. Did an immediate cartwheel over the bars and ended on my backside with the coffee cup still full. Ta da!

*That's how I learned that the brake levers are on the other side in Canada. 😂


South Wales
Unless you're in a race, then I really don't know why you'd not stop to eat & drink........Some people take copying the pros to ridiculous lengths.

Drinking is just take the bottle out of the cage and have a swig. No need to stop for that.

Eating, if I'm by myself, I will usually stop, and always if it is more than a gel. On the few occasions I have ridden far enough to need food with a group, they weren't stopping, so it was definitely eat (gels or belvita type biscuits) while moving.

I've never taken sandwiches or similar with me, but then the longest I have ever ridden to date is about 4 and a quarter hours (for 68 miles), and we were having food at the end of that. That is the only 100K+ ride I have done, though I'm hoping to do more this summer.


Legendary Member
Can top that. Was cycling to work in Canada on my new bike, stopped to get a takeaway coffee at the gates and rolled down the hill to the office one handed. Noticed a speed bump so braked hard*. Did an immediate cartwheel over the bars and ended on my backside with the coffee cup still full. Ta da!

*That's how I learned that the brake levers are on the other side in Canada. 😂

After a well refreshed evening at university we were all a bit peckish so I went back to my digs (on a borrowed
bike) to fetch a pan of curry we could share. Cycling back whilst holding the pan in one hand I had to negotiate a bit of a chicane in a no-cycling lane and the wobble got the better of me. I went flying but I kept the pan upright with the lid so all was well
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