I was always quite good at French but barely got by in German. The difference was our teacher. My French teacher had a French wife, and would entertain us with little snippets of info about the difference between the French and the English, asking his wife for little insights that might amuse. He went over to Lyon every end of term and every half-term and came back loaded with newspapers, magazines and Asterix comics. Every now and again the whole lesson would just be us picking up whatever we wanted to read and asking him when we got stuck. He'd stop us from reading and tell us something new every now and again as things cropped up in what we were reading. It was quite a brilliant approach. I gravitated to l'Equipe sports magazine and mostly read about football because that was what interested me. It was still all in French. I also recall reading "Asterix chez les Bretons", which took the mick out of us Brits something rotten, which amused me. I can still recall a few phrases from that book (such as "la cervoise tiede" and "sauve qui peut") 42 years later. Every time I go to France, I now bring back newspapers and cycling magazines to keep my French language up.