@lancearmstrong: Hey Glasgow, Scotland!! I'm coming your way tomorrow. Who wants to go for a bike ri

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Chuffy said:
Knows full well that he's a bit of a knob...
A bit of a knob?! A full on erect throbbing horses phallus more like.

I bet that's why St Lance of Love Shack is in Glasgow. They can both sit and stroke each other and tell one another how wonderful they are.


Well-Known Member
lol @ the haters getting themselves worked up.


Senior Member
Chuffy said:
Got a better sense of humour than he's given credit for and doesn't nick all the tour buses leaving his teamates band members stranded before important events...;)

Glad you're paying attention there Chuffy, my posts aren't just to wind up the fanboys!

I'm sure there'll be a high old buddy buddy time up there at Hampden Park tonight....

'Hey, Lance, did you hear about the time I saved an entire village from starvation?'

'No, tell me about it Bonehead'

'It's Bono actually one-ball, er, yeah....I gave them half our rider for the evening'

'ha ha ha ha, good one, I get it, cycling, rider, ha ha ha. Say, have you heard about cancer?'


It was a cracking ride. I had presumed that he had arrived early morning to the hotel, get a few hours sleep after his transatlantic flight and then go for a spin. however, he arrived directly from the airport. The crowd had grown steadily and was pretty massive when he turned up at the hotel. After a shortish time, he had signed some stuff chatted to some people and given some interviews, we were off. What a crowd.

The rain moved from drizzle to rain and as well left Paisley, some of the riding on display was simply shocking. I believed that what I was witnessing was a road race without the marshalls. I am pleased that no one was injured in the process. The pace was pretty steady at just over 20 mph on the flat, so quite comfortable. I have not a clue where we went and just hung on for the duration, noting that the number of riders was getting smaller and smaller as we charged along country lanes in a constant spray from the rain and from wheels. We then hit a decent drag and I will admit to sliding off the pace here. I could see the peloton tantalisingly in the distance and had resigned to coming home on my own or with the other tail enders. however, I then spotted that the peloton had stopped for a photo opportunity and this allowed me to get back on. We then descended back into Paisley with about 40-50 riders. Quite a contrast to the mass start which I reckon was around 300. Things were far more controlled as we headed back to Paisley. I think my average overall was somewhere around 18-19 mph. I failed to restart the computer and my last ride affected the average.

At the end Lance signed some stuff, chatted and then headed off. It was quite an event and I am pleased to say that I cycled alongside him for a few hundred metres.

Incredibly, the rain eased as I headed back into Glasgow.


Well-Known Member
Excellent stuff Gavin, did you get chance for a quick chat?


Senior Member
Sounds like fun Gavin. Seriously. For all the p*ss taking etc I do here, I'd not deny anyone their enjoyment of the event.


Yes, I managed a few pleasantries as we rode. Nothing earth shattering about world peace or the meaning of life, just a thank you for inviting us and a comment about the rain. He seemed to genuinely enjoy it.
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