Lael Wilcox around the world

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Legendary Member
I’m very late to the party with this, having listened to Jenny Graham’s excellent audiobook, i have just started to listen Leal’s podcast, very much enjoying it so far.

The bike build video may interest you for ten minutes or so if you need a diversion from your day. HERE

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Photo Winner
Inside my skull
And she smashed it. How inspiring.


Legendary Member
Well this is weird.

Until last Thursday I wasn’t aware of this world record attempt, and I have been binge listening to the podcast while decorating.

When I got to day 86 and she’s approaching Vancouver I wondered if she rode over the Lions Gate Bridge. I checked it out on her website and she did, and around the edge of Stanley Park.

The same day I did a short ride on my Brompton through the park!

What a shame I didn’t know about it, I could’ve given her a wave.


Her route.


My route


I wonder if that’s why the traffic was backlogged on the bridge.
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