Killer Hill need advice

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I'm fairly local - I'll send you a pm..

Your club still doing hill climb training on the flat?:whistle:


tbh, I do most of my training on the flattest roads I can find. Slight inclines are also useful - but hauling yourself up every 20% wall in the area is a bit pointless if you only ride flat circuit races and a bit of cross in the winter...

Just playing with you Dusty:smile:


Prize winning member X2
I posted about what I thought was a killer hill when I first started cycling again . I avoided the hill for quite a while but managed it in 7-6 gear three times yesterday . I did however get some funny looks when I jumped up and down at the top shouting Adrian and humming the Rocky theme tune ;)


Man or Moose!
My hats off to you sir getting up such a steep climb with those gears but you would be better served with lower gearing IMO , would be more beneficial to fitness , going up a hill in to hard a gear wont build fitness , it will increase power but not sustainable power , its a bit like what body builders do , like if you cycled on the flat in a 60/10 gear if such a thing exists.

I am struggling to understand how you have come to these conclusions, care to elaborate?


Is that anything to do with it being a load of cobblers? :tongue:

care to elaborate?


Comrade Member
Limoges or York
I have a mate who rides semi pro, when I asked him how he tackles some hills, his reply was....
'I don't recognise hills!'
Oh to be that fit!

It's a state of mind!

When I did the Phil and Friends we got to Winnats Pass just after the lunch break. It's not good to have a nice filling serving of pasta just before that sort of challenge and I would have to fight the fear! Which I did and always got up it altho' one time I was nearly foiled by someone falling off in front of me.

So just tell yourself you are going to do it.

My only defeat has been Rosedale Chimney Bank which I encountered doing the now defunct Moors 'illy Imperial. It was reached after 60 miles, a collection of daunting climbs and crossing a bleak and windswept moor. I always took a break, bought an ice cream in Rosedale and walked oop t' bu66er.


You could always do the hill at the start of the ride instead ;)

My little victory today is that I managed my own killer hill in one hit. It is only a 10 mile ride, as I'm struggling for time now, but it is a biggie from where I'm standing. First time I tackled it, I had to stop about 5 times to catch my breath. The best thing is I'm actually pretty close to cracking the 50mph on the descent now :smile:

training ride.png


15% is certainly hard but not that difficult. You need to do a mixture of in and out of saddle work, measure your effort and work on your low cadence power. The latter can be done via Turbo or deliberately overgearing yourself to work on producing torque at lower RPM. Working on the cardio will also help and doing intervals on the turbo will help with lactic threshold. All these combined 'should' help you with the climbing, but there really is no substitute for willpower and ignoring the voice in your head. Once you learn to do that climbing can even become fun.


dingo's kidneys
15% is out of the saddle stuff for most anyone - especially in the UK where there won't be long climbs of that steepness. I wouldn't hit one with a 39/25 as my smallest gear. That would be grinding it out in the most awful way. I do Swain's lane in a 34/23 if I'm fresh-ish, and if I'm knackered I'll do it in a 34/28 (though I have recently bought a new cassette without the 28, so I look forward to doing loops on Swain's with that). Swain's lane is only 400 yards or so, and only the second half gets to around 15%.


People are talking when they have a 9KG bike and 10 stone body.

Make it 13KG and 15 stone you are maybe relatively tackling a 23% hill !
You simply have the wrong gears on the bike.


dingo's kidneys
People are talking when they have a 9KG bike and 10 stone body.

Make it 13KG and 15 stone you are maybe relatively tackling a 23% hill !
You simply have the wrong gears on the bike.

You're insulting my bike, but making up for it with the 10 stone talk :smile:
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