Killer Hill need advice

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Über Member
So i did a 70Km ride today in 3hours


at 60km i hit a 16% hill that lasted for 400m

how the heck do you guys train to get over one of those hills such a long way into a ride

it killed me had to walk half of it! first time ever i had to get off the bike

Thanks for the advice
Fitness, probably. Without knowing how long you've been riding, or your weight, or how much riding you do on a regular basis it's difficult to suggest anything useful.


Über Member
im 13 stone and been riding for around 2 years. and i ride 3-4 times a week. ( one long ride 60km + and 2-3 smaller rides of 30-40km).

the length of the ride isnt a issue it was just this hill took the wind out of me
after i completed the last 10 km with out any issues


Nr Cambridge
How do you train for that kind of thing? Long rides & short to medium duration interval training. The longer rides build up your aerobic stamina & the interval training will give you that kicking power you need.

Also gearing helps, if you're riding on a 42/53 with an 11-23 cassette then you're in trouble unless you're a strong rider, if you're on a 22/32 with 12-36 cassette then you'll climb up it with ease. 13 stone isn't exactly light but that doesn't mean that you can't climb if that 13st of muscle.


Well-Known Member
Don't listen to the voices in your head saying quit, shout shut up at your legs find something that makes you angry snap it down a gear get out out the saddle and drive for the summit if you need motivation find a point on a hedge post etc and try to get to it then move the goalposts and when push comes to pedal shout at yourself remind yourself how disappointed you will be if you have to get off its a mind game with yourself just don't quit


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Don't look up the hill you're riding! Your head tells you that you're knackered before your legs realize you can do it!


Bird Saviour
You got up eventually didn’t you? There you go, I wouldn’t say you’re not a fit cyclist, you’re just not used to hills.
You need to find more hills to ride on. And don’t look up, as said… you’re head will tell you “no way! “


Man or Moose!
You got up eventually didn’t you? There you go, I wouldn’t say you’re not a fit cyclist, you’re just not used to hills.
You need to find more hills to ride on. And don’t look up, as said… you’re head will tell you “no way! “

LMFAO! In other words, not able to hold the required power output for the required duration, i.e. not fit enough.

Also, if you can hold your head up, then you should be looking ahead, not at the floor!
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