My offspring never had 'proper' coaching to ride on the road. I tried to get it but, very long story, there was nada available. So it fell upon DH & I to 'coach' him. I would have preferred him to have 'coaching' elsewhere, as it's one thing dear old mum and dad saying it, but it's quite another when it's from 'coach' Anyhow, we did what we could. We cycled with him on roads of varying kinds. Him in the middle, one of us in front & one behind. We did all the stuff.. starting off, road positioning, left turns, right turns, junctions, signalling, roundabouts... the lot. We went through the Highway Code, not cycling on pavements, stopping at red lights.. the lot.
The first time he cycled to & from school on his own I was a nervous wreck all day.
But he survived. I can utterly understand the parental emotion behind wanting to protect kids from risk, but wrapping them in cottonwool does them no favours long-term. Teaching them how to assess and deal with risk is much better for them, even though it can leave a parent worried sick...
One of the things that is often put over as a worry about lids, that of them being 'uncool' and kids not wearing them, just didn't enter the equation for my son. He *knows* he makes that lid look good
and he developed a taste for things such as a Met Stradivarius... or a Bell Meteor II... or Bell Sweep... Of course they had to be in the correct colour to go with his CSC kit & Cervelo Soloists... then the Zipp wheels.
Did I mention that when a kid takes to cycling it can get expensive?