Thread revival...
Woke up on Tuesday morning feeling like I'd been kicked in the bollocks. Which I hadn't, I haven't been to ju-jitsu for a few weeks...
The feeling wouldn't go away, and after about half an hour I had excruciating pain in my back, right where the right kidney lives. That was joined by my feeling like I was on fire and freezing cold all at the same time.
Another half an hour later, and I was throwing up, which I did about five times. Luckily I hadn't eaten so there wasn't much coming out. The pain from both groin and kidney area was still massively uncomfortable, and persisted for hours.
Somehow I managed to snatch an hour's kip, and when I woke up again it felt like the pain has gone... Only to return half an hour or so later, not quite as intense, but more persistent, kidney seeming to throb with every heartbeat. I rubbed some ibuprofen gel in, in the hope it would help... It didn't really, but I did manage to get to sleep again, with the fan on as I was still feeling hot and cold simultaneously.
Woke up next morning; pain gone, completely. Hasn't come back, yet. I still feel a bit weak and wobbly, but I guess that's not surprising with all the other stuff.
The weird thing is that I've had no trouble with the waterworks; no trouble peeing, no excess peeing, no burning, no blood. Lots of people (including my daughter, a nurse) are telling me it's stones, but I think (and hope) it's just an infection.
The other possible factor is that recently, due to a lot of reflux, I've been necking Rennies like Smarties, and it seems they can cause stones, as well as too much salt (I'm a bugger for salted peanuts and crisps).
So... What does the team think?