Just watched through this (at home). Excellent work, Sue, nicely balanced and you got the level of your (our) point of view exactly right. I like the way you caught that prat who cut right across the cycle lane in a hurry to get into the left turn lane. A little tip: can you get a wider angle on the camera (zoom out) next time? Not easy to judge distances from your footage, but some of them seemed bloody close! Anyway, a pleasure to watch ....
.... spoilt ....
..... by that crass comment of the male presenter,
after the interview:
"I certainly hope she doesn't get behind ME when I'm driving anyway..." This made me really angry - sorry!


! Who the f*** does he think he think he is: whom he's superior to then? How condescending are TV presenters allowed to be? Are cyclists folk 'to keep away from' then? Why should he worry about being caught on camera? Is he boasting about his standard of driving being not for your eyes (or camera)? Or is he worried about his own driving abilities? Anyway it would be justice if he were 'shopped' on your footage one day....