Just seen Arch on Look North

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;):biggrin::biggrin: Well done Arch! I've just watched the evening version (don't know how it compares to the afternoon one). You came across very well! Well done!!;):biggrin:

My only one gripe (and nothing to do with you, your majesty!) is the comment about 15,000 cyclists killed or seriously injured on the uks roads every year). This isn't true is it, where does this figure come from? Surely they must be including minor injuries as well?

Still, after today more drivers will know that some cyclists will have cameras and so they might think twice about how they drive around us!

Well done!!:angry:

P.S. Was there enough smilies in this message? If not here is a couple more...:biggrin::biggrin:


Über Member
Arch you came across really well, the possibility was there that you could be seen as a nerdy geek with a camera but you appeared as a normal person with their head screwed on nicely done.


Just watched through this (at home). Excellent work, Sue, nicely balanced and you got the level of your (our) point of view exactly right. I like the way you caught that prat who cut right across the cycle lane in a hurry to get into the left turn lane. A little tip: can you get a wider angle on the camera (zoom out) next time? Not easy to judge distances from your footage, but some of them seemed bloody close! Anyway, a pleasure to watch ....

.... spoilt ....



..... by that crass comment of the male presenter, after the interview: "I certainly hope she doesn't get behind ME when I'm driving anyway..." This made me really angry - sorry! ;):angry:!;):biggrin:! Who the f*** does he think he think he is: whom he's superior to then? How condescending are TV presenters allowed to be? Are cyclists folk 'to keep away from' then? Why should he worry about being caught on camera? Is he boasting about his standard of driving being not for your eyes (or camera)? Or is he worried about his own driving abilities? Anyway it would be justice if he were 'shopped' on your footage one day....



I could not watch it at work, so I have just watched and listened to both clips - excellent work. I thought you came across extremely well, and presented your case in a non-nerdy, common sense manner. You handled the questions well and overall I thought the average member of the public would understand.


Saw the look north on the internet and first impressions were "bloody hell, Arch is going pretty fast! :eek:" (especially the bit in the intro at the start of the programme)... not sure whether it was due to the news cam placed strategically low down on the ground for that 'worms eye' view they're quite fond of on news programmes,... but seemed like you were whipping up quite a bit of cadence there aswell...

Generally quite a good ad for the camera though and not too nerdy.

Like that big bridge by the way, that's not in york surely is it?

Keith Oates

Penarth, Wales
Patrick Stevens said:
Too many of you have sent me PMs about forming an Arch fan club for me to respond to all of you individually. Could we hire a football ground for a meeting?

Don't get jealous, Patrick;)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Subversive Sage
High Shields
Look North is my local BBC news area...caught Arch last night...even young jamie, rocking in his baby bouncer OOooh and AAarrred......-probably Arch's luminous yellow jacket catching his eye..."theres the lady with a nephew just like you son" I pointed out
"Catchin all dem bad cars"
"OOoooooh" (his legs going 19 to the dozen)
"I'll soon have you pedelling my laddie"

Your youngest fan hath spoken :biggrin:;)


Does anyone else reckon that saddle needs to go up a bit? ;)

Also, I do wonder whether this being on telly will make a select few idiots go out looking for people with helmet cams with the express desire to get featured on youtube? :biggrin:


New Member
great work Arch. Apart from anything else it might just make one or two motorists think twice before performing their dodgy manouvers putting all our two wheel friends at risk.Came across as a well balanced article, not a rant by a deranged car hating cyclist.


Ack, did anyone record it? The LN page has been updated with the morning's stories and Arch's will be gone..
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