Juicy three brakes

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Moby Jones

Well-Known Member
I am still having problems with my rear brake on my trek 6300. It has juicy here avid brakes on it. I have had it into my lbs twice and he has been unable to solve the problem with the rear brake rubbing against the rotor. He says it not unusual for the brake to rub slightly, I find this hard to believe.

I took the pads out today and They seemed ok, but the pivots/pistons, the things that push the pads onto the rotor don't seem to be working properly. Only the right side seems to push out when I pull the brake lever.

Can I replace the internal workings of the brakes?




Which kit would I need to get

I have seen different kits on eBay but I have never done anything like this before

Can anyone help me out with some useful tips...


Noneof those - you need a caliper piston & seal kit (or pressure foot kit). It is best to pump the pistons out using the lever if you can or you may find it impossible to get them out.Take wheel & pads outand then pump them out.
If you have a Juicy 3 then you need this kit:- http://www.bikegoo.co.uk/product.php/744/avid_caliper_pressure_foot_kit__juicy_3
If you have the Juicy 5 or 7 then this one :- http://www.bikegoo.co.uk/product.php/692/avid_caliper_pressure_foot_kit__juicy_
You can't interchange them as the o ring which goes between the two caliper halves is different.
You will need to bleed the brake afterwards of course for which you will need a a specific Avid bleed kit.
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