Joing a cycling club?

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New Member
I went on my first ride with the local cycling club at the weekend at really enjoyed it. I went along with their 'easy riders' group, we averaged about 10mph, brief stops regularly, avoided most busy roads and by the end of the day I'd clocked up over double the distance of any previous ride I'd done, bearing in mind I've only had my road bike a week now.

It was great and plan on going out with them again as often as I can on more of their "easy rides", hopefully building up my distances, skill and abilities to eventually get out with the 'faster boys' and maybe enter the club 10TT for a bit of fun.

I'm convinced if you can find a club that suits, you will get so much more out of cycling.



Active Member
How much are you off the pace, you'd be amazed what riding in a group does for you. As an estimate I'd say you would be at least 0.5mph faster due to the improved aerodynamics (slip streaming) and another 0.5mph faster due to the increased motivation from riding in a group. If they run a open session go along and try or find another club that's more welcoming. Another cheapish mod is to put narrower lighter tyres on your bike and lose weight. I thought I'd be too slow too but after doing a forum ride (the old c+ forum) in a group (lugging round a D lock and Pannier) averaging 15mph I thought I'd better try out a club; I wish I'd plucked up the courage earlier.

Kingston Wheelers recommend a road bike, I can see their point. Maybe I just need to wait till I get one of them really.


nothing in moderation
i can heartily recommend macclesfield wheelers

we do an easy ride every so often (perfect for beginners and kids 10+), but there's also a sunday ride with the older gents which is quite long but spread over several café stops. saturday club runs are a bit faster, but the club run leader will always do his best to make sure no-one is left behind. if it's a small group, it's always at the pace of the slowest on the flat (waiting at the top/bottom of a climb); a larger group tends to split into groups of similar ability.

friendly club, with a mountain bike section too. as far as the road scene goes, don't feel you have to have a flashy bike either; i started (and still ride) a bike that cost me £250.

if macc is a bit far to ride to the start, there's no shame in arriving by car.

pm me and i'll dig the membership secretary's name out.


Active Member
A roadbike would be recommended but there's no harm in checking it out before you buy a road bike; it'll give you an idea of what other folk have. If they don't like the idea of a hybrid try another club.

from their replies to my emails it does look like they would prefer a road bike. I think what I need to do is to get along to a cycle chat Sunday morning ride. Just finding it a bit too early for me at the moment ha ha ;)

The only thing that is stopping me getting a road bike at the moment is money. As soon as I can I will get one. I did a 16 mile ride in London yesterday and I was averaging just under 15mph:


New Member
I feel the necessity to join a cycling club nearby my home. I would train going up the hills small ones though. In fact the necessity is due to the fact that I just started cycling again.
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