Join the debate - what do you think this is?

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Legendary Member
Lay hole for meddlers.


Leg End Member
It's the Celt's way of keeping track of all Celtic clans. Each chieftain had one given, and it passed down their bloodline.

Unite them all with their true heirs and the Celts will rule the world.
They came in sets of three. You stuffed all three with dog treats and throw them to cerberus to keep him happy when you go out to harvest souls. If you don't he'll just tear up the underworld. Not mischievous just gets bored!

Sorry, is that just me then?



a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
Maybe it's just an ornament. They had lots of ornamental stuff way back then.


I might of had to many beers tonight clouding my judgement,but wasn't this thing from the open credits of the 70s/80s kids programme called Picture Box
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