Absolutely. Only a respirator - not a cotton mask, surgical mask, or mask of any kind, worn with eye protection and a full head covering protects the wearers.
Masks and face coverings are thought to have a slight benefit in that if the wearer is infected it reduces the chances of them infecting others, but the effect is very minor.
The biggest effect, as old Boris has said, is psychological. They may give people the confidence to get back to work etc.
The lack of protection they give is indeed very, very well established. Many Doctors and pundits are suggesting otherwise, but none have yet to produce any authoritative evidence. The advice from the W.H.O. is, and always has been, that tasks have no protective effect and should not be considered as PPE.
The people who sucdenly kicked off the trend form wearing masks are the same eejuts who panic bought all the big roll. They're best off ignored.