Isle of Man question

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berty bassett

Legendary Member
Thinking of riding round iom and before I got too involved I wondered if anyone here had done it , for some reason I was thinking anti- clockwise - maybe because should be left hand turns 🤷‍♂️ but wondered if it’s gonna be plagued with wannabe Guy Martins - I guess if I rode a motorbike it would be one of the places I would want to go and would frown on pushbikes Thanks for any advise

Tail End Charlie

Well, write it down boy ......
The Isle of Man is great, a throwback in time. Don't worry about bikers, they are well behaved (unless in the middle of TT week I guess). There's a lovely old rail line straight across the middle and other roads criss crossing the middle, which give some great views. Peel, Castletown, the Calf of Man they are all worth a visit. Recommended.

Salad Dodger

Legendary Member
Kent Coast
The TT course runs clockwise, so I would expect any visiting bikers would mostly be going clockwise on the roads which make up the course.
There is plenty of the island that is NOT part of the TT course, and, from what I remember of my one visit quite a few years ago, there are some nice quiet little bits of coastline. Enjoy!
The Isle of Man is great, a throwback in time. Don't worry about bikers, they are well behaved (unless in the middle of TT week I guess). There's a lovely old rail line straight across the middle and other roads criss crossing the middle, which give some great views. Peel, Castletown, the Calf of Man they are all worth a visit. Recommended.

I was there last year and second a recomendation of Castletown, lovely place. If OP doesn't feel like cylcing everywhere a travel pass can be bought for peanuts compared to the UK and covers all the busses, trains and trams. Theres only 2 (3 including the moluntain railway) railway lines but the run around most of the South/East coast.


N Ireland
Only been once with the bikes (two tandems), as an overnight stop between Belfast and Heysham. We didn't ride further than the Douglas seafront but I can recommend the ferry company who were very good and allow you to take bikes free as a foot passenger

Big T

I’ve been to the Isle of Man Cycling Week 5 times. (1979/80/81 and 2000and 2002). A ride around the TT course was always part of it. I actually rode the Mountain Time Trial, which is one lap of the TT course in 1980 or 81, when Dave Lloyd won it. And I’ve ridden the Mannin Veg Road Race (also one lap of the TT course) 3 times.

If doing the TT course, it’s best done the way the TT racers do it (clockwise), as the 7 mile climb out of Ramsey is spectacular and you have the thrilling descent of Creg na Ba, back down into Douglas. There are some lovely bits besides the TT course - going down towards Castletown and Port Erin is less hilly. The coast road from Douglas to Ramsey is nice and there’s a flat area with quiet roads around Sulby.
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