Is this a disciplinary offence?

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Legendary Member
Not sure if I agree with the "fight fire with fire approach". This risks making an already unpleasant workplace situation even worse.

I think it would help if you tried to work out why your colleague has done this. If your colleague is just an out and out bully then I think you should formally complain to your management.

On the other hand this strikes me as pretty irrational behaviour and maybe she has personal or work problems which she is taking out on you. Do you have friends at work who could have a quiet word with her. Alternatively you could approach your management and say your are speaking to them unofficially because you don't want the situation to escalate so want them to intervene to stop getting things worse. Or maybe you could subtly suggest they provide you with an alternative storage space that is even better than the one she took away - that way you would get one up on her without going to war over who gets to use a particular drawer.


Active member of Helmets Are Sh*t Lobby
punkypossum said:
Thanks for your input everybody! Some of your suggestions are very, very tempting indeed (now where is that open can of tuna I saw in the fridge a few weeks ago....) If the email I sent doesn't get me any further, I will be plotting a slow and painful revenge!!! Back at work tomorrow, so is queen bee, so we will see what happens...

Have you considered taking one of your ferrets to work and putting it in her main drawer just before she gets in ;)


New Member
Yarm, Cleveland
someone stole my locker at work once. It was empty but it was still mine for future storage options.

I still however had a spare key so in our lunch break me and a friend enticed a rather tame seagull with bacon scraps, grabbed hold of it and stuffed it into the locker.

Imagine the guys surprise when he opened it to reveal a rather irate seagul and his coat covered in bird shoot.


Rare Migrant

Punky: Note everything this person does. Email your managers every single time your "colleague" harasses you. It's all about the evidence (that, and the possibility that your constant emails may convince your managers that it's easier for them to deal with the offender rather than endure your constant correspondence :tongue:).


Smutmaster General
Serious answer: talk to her... if this doesn't work talk to her superiors.

Frivolous answer: Challenge her to a custard-wrestling bout :biggrin:


What is this "talk to her" business?:biggrin: She is off her trolley, there is zero point in entering into any dialogue with her, you'll probably feel worse, the situation will be twisted and you will still be drawerless.

She is comandeering drawers left right and centre, she has 3 drawers, you have none, one of "hers" is yours, GET YOUR DRAWER BACK!:rolleyes:

TBH I am disapppinted, I hate bully's, especially nigardly bully's, I hoped that you would have your drawer back by now. You give them an inch.......
Baggy said:
She might! Be patient and wait for her to report back on today's events :rolleyes:

That's the Voyeur coming out.


New Member
OK people...time for a reality check, there are men women and children dying in the Congo, no food no where to sleep and you're worrying about a locker:angry: FFS


Bird Saviour
punky... i will lend you Zero. he will soon sort her out. he will bite that bit between your nostrils. it really feckin hurts. lets get her!
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