Is there such a thing as too much adventure?

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No, although that story is pretty horrific.

Well done them for protecting one another.


Legendary Member
To answer the title, yes.

Leaving aside this example, too many people go looking for adventure, set forth woefully unprepared for said adventure, and then moan when they get more adventure than they bargained with (assuming they survived to be able to moan.)

Good to see the riders using their bike for a ground pin. Good call for a - presumably - rider untrained in UDT. They kept their cool, and they have some serious  cojones, metaphorically speaking.
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Legendary Member
That's a terrifying story. When we lived in California, I was always very nervous of mountain lions when I used to run trails with friends! A mountain lion (cougar) actually killed a young man near Placerville a few months ago - we used to hike and run there regularly.


Grand Old Lady
Yes, being woefully unprepared the main factor. My BiL had a lucky escape last year. Went to the lakes, he tried to get up Scafell Pike and down again in the same day. He's done it before. He is extremely fit but I said repeatedly that he wasn't prepared and that he was being ridiculous. Of course, the inevitable happened.

It wasn't a nice phone call to get for my missus. Terrible day as I was preparing for the worst. He was found alive. The weather turned and he couldn't see a hand in front of him. He ended up falling down a waterfall and busted his knee was wet and confused. Lucky in the sense that it was unseasonably warm weather that night of he'd be a gonna. It was a mountain rescue dog that found him. Wonderful, fantastic animals and one lucky lucky bloke.


I like steel bikes and I cannot lie..
Well, that looks terrifying :sad:

Personally if in an environment where there were creatures willing and able to kill me, I'd always want an appropriate means of defence. Assuming it's legal to carry firearms in that state it seems almost negligent not to in that situation..
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