Is there hope things might change?

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Legendary Member
This is my first venture into this particular part of the forum so hi! And you experienced advocates may know this already but today I listened to the Streets Ahead podcast where the host interviewed the new Secretary of State for Transport. She talked at length about how she wants active travel (especially cycling) at the heart of the transport policy in the future, with funding to match. She recognised the numerous benefits of active travel and good public transport in all the other different parts of society and life!

Call me naive but I found it incredibly encouraging! Maybe things will improve!

The podcast is definitely worth a listen if you haven’t heard it!


Legendary Member
Things don't look good despite the nice words.

In the town where what I live the carncil claim to be very hot on active travel. Oh yes, and they slapped a lot of white paint on inappropriate footpaths to prove it.

I recently noticed that overhanging bushes are completely obstructing one such path, blocking it entirely. I duly reported this and was dismayed to see it given a schedule to be cleared within 26 weeks.

If a road, even a minor side street, were thus obstructed they'd have it cleared before days end to allow the polluting death and congestion machines to continue on their way. Their priorities are barking, and until the government do something about that not a jot will improve.

So no, I don't think things will improve. They can't even be bothered with what little they already have, so it seems unlikely things will get any better.
This is my first venture into this particular part of the forum so hi! And you experienced advocates may know this already but today I listened to the Streets Ahead podcast where the host interviewed the new Secretary of State for Transport. She talked at length about how she wants active travel (especially cycling) at the heart of the transport policy in the future, with funding to match. She recognised the numerous benefits of active travel and good public transport in all the other different parts of society and life!

Call me naive but I found it incredibly encouraging! Maybe things will improve!

The podcast is definitely worth a listen if you haven’t heard it!

It's a step up from "I'm the motorists friend" - I suppose.

Sensibly... bikes and particularly e bikes are the future - but I think I might not be above ground long enough to see everyone realize it.


Legendary Member
With rabid right wing media influencing how motorists view cyclists I don't hold out much hope for the UK

Motonormativity video (by GCN)

While the right leaning media are the worst, the left leaning and even those claiming to present a politically neutral (ha!) news agenda aren't completely blameless in this regard.


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
There's always hope that things may change.

It's the hope that kills you in the end!

Seriously, it will happen in some form: geometry hates cars and we can't go on like this. Even the slowest town elders are starting to notice that towns that embrace active travel prosper while those that say stupid things like "cars are essential" and waste valuable town centre land on free-to-use car parking struggle with floundering businesses and closing shops. Keep pushing but don't expect everything to improve every time.


Legendary Member
I'm a leftie, apparently. All these online tests tell me my leanings are somewhat left of centre.

The problem for me isn't my views, but rather the application of them - I don't believe a word any of them say so I smatter my skepticism and derision about the political spectrum with equal gusto.

We hear a lot about active travel and it matters not what colour suit the person making the promises is wearing - outside of London there has been very little, if any, improvement to active travel implementation in thjrty yesrs and what little does get though is usually poor quality and then badly maintained because it's seen by counils as a lower priority than the roads.

I believe the majority of obstructions to delivery are cultural. The answer will never be political in nature, but will be an eventual societal rejection on the forces that perpetuate the prevailing anti cycling agenda. Sadly I doubt it'll happen in my lifetime, but happen it will.
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Cynical idealist
A ray of hope is that Holland was very anti to begin with. It took one death too many and a very determined individual to finally get the ball rolling seriously. Read 'Bike Nation' it can be done but sometimes from the bottom up and not the other way around.
I should say that the reaction of counsels vary
Our local one seems to respond quite quickly to reports of paths being blocked by overgrown bushes and stuff

I reported one on a traffic calming thingy a while ago
one of those things where cars can only go through one at a time but there is a cut through for bikes - and the hawthorn bushes on the side keep growing out over the cycle bit

I got an email back within a day thanking me for the report and saying it was a frequent problem and they would tackle it as soon as possible
a few days later I was back on the same road and it was sorted

They also respond quickly to reports of fly tipping - normally gone soon after I report it

some of the neighbouring counsels and "not so good"!!!


Legendary Member
A ray of hope is that Holland was very anti to begin with. It took one death too many and a very determined individual to finally get the ball rolling seriously. Read 'Bike Nation' it can be done but sometimes from the bottom up and not the other way around.

Read it. Great book, very enlightening. Shame those in authority haven't done the same.
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