Is the Coronacycling boom coming to an end?

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I think some people must be suffering with too much lockdown boredom, and they are running out of things to keep them occupied.
How else do you explain the phenomenon of Faith Based Retail?. Buy a product untried and untested now, pay for it up front, and hope that in nine months time it will actually turn out to be what you wanted. What happens if it fails to live up to expectations, or worse still doesn't even fit very well? Live with it and try to kid yourself? Move it on at a big loss and repeat?
Some idiots are intelligent enough to buy online and research enough to know it will fit. They may also consult the moron frame builders for advice on sizing. Unless they are pre pubescent then I doubt they will grow much in 9 months.... my idiotic online purchase arrives in January so hope I dont grow in next few months😱
A load of folk buy online these days, without ever having seen the goods beforehand. Why should buying a bike be any different?
That’s too 21st century for some.


Deplorable Brexiteer
Buying something untried is fine if you've already had one the same before and know exactly what you are getting. I've done it myself, and it involved a lot of money in one instance.
However, I would not make a significant purchase of a product that I have no previous experience or knowledge of, just based on a description on a website. Maybe money has come too easy to some people, so they are happy to waste it by making poor purchase choices? Seems some have a mentality that so long as the majority of the purchases work out OK, it doesn't matter about those that didn't. They just get put to one side and forgotten about.


Leg End Member
Maybe they trust the shop doing the selling, having used them before.

Adding, I've bought two bikes, totally unseen aside from a picture in a catalogue, direct from the shop. Trusting the staff there not to sell me something that was useless for me.
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Buying something untried is fine if you've already had one the same before and know exactly what you are getting. I've done it myself, and it involved a lot of money in one instance.
However, I would not make a significant purchase of a product that I have no previous experience or knowledge of, just based on a description on a website. Maybe money has come too easy to some people, so they are happy to waste it by making poor purchase choices? Seems some have a mentality that so long as the majority of the purchases work out OK, it doesn't matter about those that didn't. They just get put to one side and forgotten about.

If you do not try something then you will not know if you like it, not a case of money coming easy it is just many people earn money to spend it not keep it, I know of many couples with many hundreds of pounds left each week after everything is paid out, no point in hoarding it. A very common one in Lincolnshire, you may do it yourself, is to only spend 1 of the 2 incomes that come into the household I have friends that have lived frugally like this for all their married lives only to realise they have got too old to enjoy the hoard.


Legendary Member
If you do not try something then you will not know if you like it, not a case of money coming easy it is just many people earn money to spend it not keep it, I know of many couples with many hundreds of pounds left each week after everything is paid out, no point in hoarding it. A very common one in Lincolnshire, you may do it yourself, is to only spend 1 of the 2 incomes that come into the household I have friends that have lived frugally like this for all their married lives only to realise they have got too old to enjoy the hoard.
My dad lived like that. Worked so hard all his days and never wanted to spend money. He could have made life more comfortable for himself and treated himself but never saw the point. I am the total opposite. Money burns a hole in my pocket! :laugh:

All my bikes bar one have been bought unseen from the internet and all have been absolutely fine.


My dad lived like that. Worked so hard all his days and never wanted to spend money. He could have made life more comfortable for himself and treated himself but never saw the point. I am the total opposite. Money burns a hole in my pocket! :laugh:

All my bikes bar one have been bought unseen from the internet and all have been absolutely fine.

Just imagine how you are making all those people on here with more sense than money feel with an attitude like that.^_^
To me he makes assumptions, I work hard, sacrifice a lot and also save a lot for my kids future. I pay my bills, and have no overheads. Money does not come easy, like I said I work damn hard. I dont drink, dont smoke, dont have a season ticket to any sporting teams.... My father is dying of Alzheimers after years of hard graft and saving. He has no idea who I am anymore.
I will buy what I damn well please with my hard earned savings, I will use it, take very good care of it and maybe when my knees are f**ked I will hand it to someone else to enjoy for many years

I bought my Genesis Day one for £380 from Freeborn, unseen, untested. Love it to this day and use it. About 5 or 6 years old now
I bought my MTB untried, unseen, on sale for £1300, collected on returning from work. Love it, riding it yesterday and its 3 years old now
Dont see me getting rid of them ever. No reason too.
People are capable of buying and knowing what they want despite some peoples strong opinions

Edit: that doesn’t mean I don’t respect @SkipdiverJohn choice of bike or his ideas on how people should spend money and purchase bikes, I just don’t think everyone needs to be told it all the time. Each to there own
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My LBS is big and carries bikes from Trek, Specialised, Cube, Genesis, Whyte, Pinarello, the list goes on.
They frequently do demo days and events and carry a small test fleet of bikes but usually MTB due to location. As for test riding a road bike, well to carry test fleets for all those makes and models is ridiculously impossible and to test ride a stock bike makes it used goods. Other than sitting on it in the shop, what more can you do. I doubt in 2021 they will have sufficient stock to sacrifice some as test bikes either.
I have never bought a bike I could actually test ride for a day so as long as I know the geometry I prefer then I can make a pretty good choice.
Testing bikes with companies who have a small range like Mason, Enigma, Spa for example is easier as they carry demo bikes but not the case for many LBS ‘s. Covid times hasn't changed any of that


Deplorable Brexiteer
A very common one in Lincolnshire, you may do it yourself, is to only spend 1 of the 2 incomes that come into the household.

I don't spend my overtime money or investment income, I can easily get by just on my basic wages. What's left over goes into my pension or is reinvested in an ISA.
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