At Primary School, spelling was seen as important and every Friday was a spelling test. I was always chuffed that I had a 100% record (I don't think it was that hard tbh). At High School, I got a lot of detention from my English teacher who, as a punishment exercise, made me copy out the dictionary. I was up to "m" when I left school. Both gave me a good grounding in spelling.
Unfortunately, I went to school when the fashion in education was not to judge handwriting and mine was awful. When my parents brought it up at Parent Evenings, they were told presentation wasn't as important as content.
The result is my handwriting is appalling even now and I find it hard to change.
I'm not a teacher and hopefully there are some here because surely the terrible spelling we see now is a deliberate facet of education and not some crazy coincidence where half of Facebook can't distinguish between "lose" and "loose"?