Legendary Member
Some Wetherspoons pubs have signs up specifically telling people not to queue. I was chatting to some staff there once about it and they think its a hangover (lol) from the pandemic days, younger people <30 tend to do it more. So if your in a Wetherspoons and see a queue for the bar, ignore it and walk staight up to the bar.
Ah in bars its fine to stand at the bar in no order what so ever, but then its polite to when the bar-person asks "whose next" to point to the person who was there before you and say this lady / gent was next. This also guarantees you getting served next.

In a Spoon's just order on the App to your table - sorted!
When I worked in a pub, if it was busy I would serve the locals whilst also serving the tourists taking food orders etc. I knew what they wanted so just pulled them their pints along side doing other orders, and they would drop the right change onto the bar for me to sweep into the till.