As I understand its, philosophy is thinking about the nature of the world, and our existence as sentient, and concious beings within that world
It's even 'thinking about about thinking'
Science, including that of earthworms, used to be called 'natural' philosophy .
And the ph in PhD still reflects this older meaning .
There will be plenty of philosophical thoughts, out there already, I'm sure, about perceived relative value, that of humans and that of earthworms.
My take is that we have neglected to take enough account of the value of the earthworm, and quite
possibly over egged our own importance, in the scheme of things .
However I think it could easily be argued that a philosopher, at least does a lot
less harm to the earthworm, by plying her trade, and sitting and cogitating on the nature of 'being'
Than those engaged in many other rather more destructive fields of human endeavour ..
So personally I'm happy for them to carry on philosophising
Ooo someone's made lunch .
I'll see what their take on it all, is.