To split a bmx Gusset model "tank" chain, being a 1/8" width with 3/16" plates, the impressive looking heavy IceToolz Pro didn't work - a chain link didn't even fit the thing. While it did fit in the small ParkTool CT-5, and also succeeded splitting, but it was a very hard and slow job to do so, clearly the CT-5 wasn't strong enough to survive any slightest out of center - going.
I finally found a tool that is sold under the code YC-324, also present in some bicycle toolkits. It's the best chain tool I've found so far. The back (against which is pressed) is mounted on thread so adjustable to fit any chain, and it has a small fixing bolt so that you can "remember" to which point you have to turn in order to get the pin just before the farest plate without pushing it out entirely.
And it wasn't expensive, under 20 British Pound (have seen 15).
Another difference between the IceToolz Pro and the YC-324 is that when you turn the handle of the former, you can see that the pin has more tolerance, making a skew off more likely. The YC-324 doesn't show any visible deviation when turning, possibly due to a more precise thread.