OK - so from the risk of death graph you shared and the data therein, please could you help us with an example of a "real decision" one might make "based on" an understanding of those data.
Very very curdly, age is one of many factors considered when making decisions regarding ITU admission or escalation on life prolonging therapy. Bare in mind all resources are finite, death comes to us all, but every life is precious. Without something of objectively, decision making in some life/death situtaions becomes almost impossible.
Science exists for a reason, to put objectively into subjectivity, without data to guide risk and decision making, you are essentially left with guesswork work. That's OK when stakes of getting it wrong is low, but in my job guessing is not an option.
Pretty much my entire job is based on data guided decision making, risk mitigation, and ultimately trying to not let human bias influence decision making.