Don't leave CC, @
Louch & @
tug benson 
... CC Ecosse (both on here and out there in the real world) certainly wouldn't be the same without you!
Unfortunately, forums (like any other place where there is more than one person present

) need
some rules, and CC is actually pretty much as pleasant as the internet can be ... Even if we may not always like the Mods decisions (including myself here), they must be doing something right

to keep it going like this, in fact there is a lot we don't see as they sort it out before we notice anything amiss. Imagine some swans gliding along serenely

, but there is a lot of furious paddling (or should that be pedalling

) going on beneath the surface

. They are also human AND give up their spare time, can't always get everything 100% right, so let's cut them a wee bit of slack, if you are feeling a wee bit generous?
Back on topic ... dinnae go

We need some more natives, otherwise CC Ecosse will soon be entirely populated by fakes (I'm allowed to say that I hope

, seeing as I am one of them). On the Inverclyde ride @
mr messy was severely outnumbered ...