I'm back on my bike!

Guys, I'm so happy!
Back end of May 2020 I injured one of my knees, really badly. It is my stopping leg (the other knee has a ripped cartilage too!).
Was unable to walk without a stick for a good few months, never mind cycling.
Finally I made it back on the bike today, I'm fatter and bike unfit, but I can still ride, signal, and, most important, stop myself without my leg buckling

How I have missed my transport: had to strengthen the knee by exercises first, then by taking long walks, but walking is so slow when you've got to go places.
I had stopped commuting in September 2019, because I started a job walking distance from home, but I was still doing quite a few leisure/utilitarian rides.
Then, a couple of month later, during a routine check up, I got diagnosed with a wee (very wee) breast cancer, that required umpteen hospital appointments, a small op, and 15 sessions of radiotherapy.
I did cycle to all my appointments (apart from the op in January 2020, that one required a lift home or no release!), and cycled to all my radiotherapy sessions to the Beatson, a 16 miles round trip, in March/ April 2020, at the beginning of the first lockdown. Just as well I was able to, because I didn't see much public transport about.
I was very proud of myself, then, like a pure numpty, I was doing some forceful digging in the garden and, suddenly, my upper leg went a direction, while my lover leg went another, badly dislocating my knee.
When I finally got to see a physio, I was told I've got Hypermobility of the joints, need to watch that bending and twisting lol.
Anyhow, meantime, they tell me I've also got osteoporosis of the spine (a side effect of the cancer meds I'm on, or just old age, who knows lol): cycling is not recommended, but truly, I couldn't give a hoot

I've got my freedom of movement back

just wanted to share with you my excitement!