Irn-Bru? Scottish Blethering Thread

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Legendary Member
It's been many years since I did anything on new year's eve, apart from triggering the cyclist counter on Glasgow green at the stroke of midnight :laugh:
This year I'm not able to cycle (injury), it's icy out anyway, plus I've got two newly adopted fur babies that need reassured from eventual fireworks.
I have avoided the corona in 2020, not getting it in 2021 either!

GWS and take care :smile:


I'm still here. Been quiet on forums generally since summer, and slowly getting quieter on all social media. Despite all the covid business I've improved mentally and physically over the year after the difficult times of a few years back. I've started doing voluntary food deliveries 2 mornings a week with Food Train and done more miles than I've done since 2015. However, the cottage renovation has been slower than expected due to lockdown, furlough, difficulty in obtaining supplies, etc., but everything's progressing and hopefully not much longer until it's ready to move into :smile:

Oh yes, I'll probably be in bed by 10 and then be awake at midnight trying to calm the dogs.
Great, everyone needs to hear a good news story now and again. 👍

Hopefully the dogsxwill get a bit if piece this year for a change. 🤞

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
Take care Pat, some good news this morning re the vaccine so hopefully that signals the beginning of the end of the restrictions.
Ha! Until it's our age group's turn to get it, it will be 2022 :laugh:

As an aside, maybe I'll go to the green this year and be the first to trip it.
I hate you!!! :tongue:
Also, probably should have said first but I hope your injury isn't too serious and you heal quickly. 👍
Meh! 7 months, since the end of May, torn knee cartilage ... gardening mishap :wacko:
At least I can walk now, can even do my physio squats ^_^

Flick of the Elbow

less than
SW Edinburgh
Anyone else watching the online Celtic Connections concerts ? I bought a pass for the whole festival, £30 well spent. Watched 3 of them so far, plenty more to go. Hopefully they will broadcast online in future years too, though I would plan on attending one or two in person.


Anyone else watching the online Celtic Connections concerts ? I bought a pass for the whole festival, £30 well spent. Watched 3 of them so far, plenty more to go. Hopefully they will broadcast online in future years too, though I would plan on attending one or two in person.
There's been some fantastic stuff. All reasonably priced too.

There's also free gigs. The Danny Kyle Open Stage is on every night from 5-7, broadcast on Celtic Music Radio, 95FM around Glasgow, or Glasgow DAB, or online at 5 or 6 new bands each night, doing a 20 minute set. Normally it'd have been a free gig in the concert hall, this year it's online. You get some great music there - some of the "big names" on the folk circuit have come through the "Dannys".

Also, Celtic Connections on Campus starts tomorrow. Normally, it's a series of free lunchtime concerts at the Cally University student union, featuring talent from the various colleges and Universities. This year it's online - I've seen some of the previews, and there's some great performances in there. 12.30 on wed/thu/fri this week, with the audio on Celtic Music Radio, and video on

(Full disclosure: I've got some involvement behind the scenes in both of these, so I'm not completely unbiased ^_^ )


I recently listened to Graeme Obree's book about cycle training, and there were some interesting insights in it. One thing that popped up was that his recovery meal to provide carbs and protein after a hard training session was sardines on toast with tomato ketchup. I had a little internal smile at Frugal McDougal and his diet habits, but damned if I don't have sardines on toast after every mildly strenuous ride now! The tinned sardine is right at the bottom of the fish pyramid, but with some peanut butter and balsamic dressing it goes down a treat. Some days I train just by eating sardines on toast, my FTP must be through the roof by now.


In all seriousness, I got the tip of marzipan as an in-ride snack from Graeme Obree last year, a bit of fat, mainly sugar and you can just let it dissolve in your mouth to let the sugar enzymes start working on it - it coincided with marzipan being on offer at Tesco so I bought six 500g packets.

I think it was six weeks and four packets before I managed to consume any of it outside of my house...
Re: Irn Bru. In 1973 when I was 11yo we moved from East Lothian to Malawi. On the flight my mum got talking to a lovely old geezer sitting over the aisle from us. He turned out to be Mr Barr the senior. He was enjoying spending his retirement travelling the world. We stopped for re-fueling at the old Nairobi airport and he asked my mum if he could take me away to see something special. We went through a 'NO ENTRY STAFF ONLY' door and he strode off through the maze of corridors with me following on behind. Eventually we came to a locked door, he pulled a key from his pocket and unlocked the door which opened from the dark corridor into a bright sunlit courtyard. There was a bench against one wall overlooking a large fish pond. He told me that he'd spent so much time at this airport over the years that he'd financed the installation and maintenance of the fish pond so that he had somewhere nice to sit when he was passing through. I wasn't really interested in fish so found it a bit boring, but he was a very nice man. Anyway.
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