He he: was thinking more along the lines of Wedesdale with cramberries, Shropshire blue, Cheddar with whisky ... brie too tame for meAldi's brie (both the wee triangle and the round) were very nice (and ripe !) when we bought some at the beginning of December ...![]()
You mean you've skived work???
I'm off today, wanted to do a bike tour of the supermarkets to buy reduced leftover Christmas cheese. Tour aborted
Was actually a nice day yesterday, but when I left work at around 2am the wind had started blowing again.
What bike rack you getting? am looking for one to fit our mini cooper s...i think the saris range looks the best i can findgoing for a 3 bike car rack than a two, cause im nice like that![]()
I couldn't do Arran without those on here
Am doing thatJust signed up for the 3 pistes Sportive. First one ever!
why am I looking temptingly at 100 quid helmets? :s