Interesting modern quotes

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Favorite recent one, on lamping the egg-thrower:

"Tony Blair told me to make contact with the electorate, so I did"
John Prescott


At the risk of getting a bit right-on, this one from some black dood in a programme following the recent election result: "Rosa sat so that Martin could walk, Martin walked so Obama could run, Obama ran so our children can fly."



Sarah Palin: putting the alas back into Alaska.


Senior Member
[quote name='swee'pea99']At the risk of getting a bit right-on, this one from some black dood in a programme following the recent election result: "Rosa sat so that Martin could walk, Martin walked so Obama could run, Obama ran so our children can fly."[/quote]

Sorry, but I thought of a guy called Martin I went to school with there and immediately thought "Eh?"

"I was misunderestimated"


Secret Lemonade Drinker
Prince Phillip talking to a driving instructor in Scotland, "How do you keep the natives off the booze long enough to get them through the test?"

To some British Students in China, "If you stay here much longer, you'll all be slitty-eyed"

"If it has four legs and is not a chair, has wings and is not an aeroplane, or swims and is not a submarine, the Cantonese will eat it"
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