Inconsistencies or plot holes in films

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Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
The reason Vader didn't mention that Tatooine was his home planet was because it wasn't.

The reason OB1 didn't tell Luke that Vader was his father is because he wasn't.

The reason that Luke and Leia could kiss is because they were not siblings.

That's not fleshing out the narrative, that's changing key aspects of the characters as they were understood and written by the creators.
What I'm saying specifically is that in the minds of the creators when they were coming up with the story, developing the characters and all through the making of the first film, those characters were not related.

I'm aware we're not going to get a sensible conversation out of this, suffice to say that I've been correct all along so 🤷‍♂️.


South Wales
I'm aware we're not going to get a sensible conversation out of this, suffice to say that I've been correct all along so 🤷‍♂️.

The issue is that your "correctness" cannot be seen just by watching the films.

You make the statement that Vader was not Luke's dad in the first film, rather than it just being something that wasn't said so could be fleshed out.

You only know that because you know what the scriptwriters were thinking (presumably due to having seen interviews where they have said this or similar), not because of anything actually mentioned in the film.

captain nemo1701

Space cadet. Deck 42 Main Engineering.
Dear old Douglas's untimely death mean that he probably never had to hear the awful word "retconning" used to describe his work!
It seems a strange label in the case of H2G2 - TV shows (and then movies) are such a different medium that it makes sense to change things as part of the adaptation. (especially when Version 1 was written upto and during the actual recording).I also happen to think that the huge deletion you mention is entirely appropriate in DNA's chaotic universe. Things change because they are fun!

Yes, I agree, S2 had a lot of good stuff - but it isn't lost, the radio shows are still there to enjoy :smile: [DId the very very delayed plane make it into the other versions?? that's one of my favourite ideas!]
But adding the wormhole/sofa incident created one of the best gags:
- Eddies in the space-time continuum ... ...<blah blah> ...
- Eddy's you say? And that's his sofa, is it?

OK, you lot can get back to your Star Wars geekery now ... :P

It also ruined my favourite gag about the number of shoe shops on that planet with Arthur's statue going beyond the 'shoe shop event horizon' and the delayed spaceship waiting for 'lemon scented paper napkins'. Pity DA was a 'fiddler', I'd have preferred it if he didn't, especially for the awful movie adaptation. Netflix should do it again, as per the original radio scripts. I always liked the gags extending into the end credits read by the BBC announcer ...'If you'd like a copy of the HHG, please write to Megadodo Publications, Megadodo House, Ursa Minor beta enclosing £4.95 for the book and 578 thousand million pounds postage & packing ^_^


More wheels than sense
I am most definitely not trolling you. It doesn't really matter what was happening in the planning stages or umpteen script rewrites. What matters is what ends up on screen which crystallises the story and establishes events & relationships for the audience. Not much was established in episode 4, so that left the door open to add to the character relationships. Vader may have started out with no relation to Luke, but thats not how it ended. It would be more accurate to say that Vader wasn't intended to be his father and not just 'he isn't' since that implies the story as presented is incorrect and suggests someone else is.

Gotta love fans

Yellow Fang

Legendary Member
Personally I hated the twist that Darth Vader was Luke's father. It turned the franchise into a soap. Likewise I did not like Leia being Luke's sister. It may well have been intended from the beginning that Darth Vader was Luke's father, because Darth Vader sounds a bit like Death Father. Still didn't like it. It was the beginning of the end for me. In fact I think it was a mistake to kill off Obi Wan Kenobi. I think it would have been better to disable him so he could not take an active part in the fighting but could still train up Luke. Then we would have been spared Yoda.
Personally I hated the twist that Darth Vader was Luke's father. It turned the franchise into a soap. Likewise I did not like Leia being Luke's sister. It may well have been intended from the beginning that Darth Vader was Luke's father, because Darth Vader sounds a bit like Death Father. Still didn't like it. It was the beginning of the end for me. In fact I think it was a mistake to kill off Obi Wan Kenobi. I think it would have been better to disable him so he could not take an active part in the fighting but could still train up Luke. Then we would have been spared Yoda.

Blimey. There's a lot cover in that post ...
In The Sound of Music,

Reported for Spoilers :cursing:
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