Rigid Raider said:The question is.... what are weirdos like this doing nowadays? Working as estate agents perhaps?
Maybe...I went to a boarding school and had a lovely but utterly bonkers housemaster very much from, if you'll pardon the expression, the old-school. He was a wee bit of a lush and used to get half-cut every evening then wander round the corridors muttering to himself. He'd begin every end-of-term interview with 'how's the maths coming on, old boy, still coping in French?' etc and then an hour later his eyes would be rolling and he'd stop in the middle of a sentence and say something like 'you know what? You're a f**k**g great bloke!'. His wife would then usually quietly and quickly escort him away.
I phoned him up about five years after I left school just to see how he was doing. 'Quadruple bypass last year, old chap' he jaunted, merrily. 'Doctors say I have to cut down on the fags and booze a little bit but what do they know, eh?' 'Quite' I said. 'Quite.'