Cracking a solo.
Thing is you just don't know. Maybe it's naive but you'd like to think that things like the "flushable" wet wipes, seeing as how they are advertised as such, actually would be suitable to be flushed.Thanks for this information. I am now back to the strips of cloth.
I was listening to the radio yesterday and they were interviewing a couple of climate change people and asking what little changes people could make which would help. One of the things they said about was online clothes shopping, or more specifically the returns. Basically a huge amount of the clothes which are returned because they don't fit or they're the wrong colour or whatever, end up in landfill. Alternatively they go to discount retailers and the carbon footprint as a consequence of all this is huge. The retailers don't put them back into stock. The interviewers reaction to this was the same as mine, incredulity, but the interviewees absolutely assured her this was the case. Unsustainable for the retailers and unsustainable for the environment. I looked it up when I got home and it's true, I had absolutely no idea, it had never even crossed my mind. It's not something I've ever done personally but millions of people do and they're causing an enormous problem, but the chances are, they don't even know it.