Thanks (sadly) to CV19, Science and experts have been thrust to the front of the stage. Talk of Immunology, Genetics, Biochemistry, Epidemiology, Mathematical modelling, Statistics, are becoming commonplace.
Footage of lab-rats beavering-away in lab coats, driving highly complicated analytical devices, poring over data are now regularly shown alongside NHS staff again, working with a range of highly complex equipment on which lives depend.
My point is that the techniques, expertise, equipment and technologies that have enabled-us to rapidly detect viruses and read their genetic code, determine the make-up of their spike-proteins, develop and deliver a range of vaccines did not happen overnight. They are the result of years of quiet and unsung fundamental research work (often poorly funded) by an awful lot of dedicated scientists and technologist. At last many of them are showing their worth and hopefully enjoying their day in the sun.
Sadly I fear for the future funding of science and research in the UK, so let's celebrate this moment for Scientists while we can.