How much difference do we have to make, individually? It'd be nice to know.
We got our leccy meter read the other week and even though we use a tumble drier more than we should, we're still massively in credit - which presumably means we use significantly less electricity than people in similar houses - but we use a dishwasher, the kid has an electric oil filled radiator in her room overnight in winter because otherwise she wakes us up, we use the tumble drier, the washer, the tv, computer games, laptops, stereo, lights - what the chuff are other people doing? We don't use the kettle much because neither of us drink tea and we make coffee on the stove - are we doing enough? I swapped our diesel car for petrol a few years ago (buying secondhand so couldn't stretch to hybrid / battery) and our maxim there is buy the smallest car you need and use it as little as you can - is that enough if we all do it? Or do we all need to just stop altogether?
Or is it all about consumption of goods that (probably) have been shipped across the globe?