Ignorant Riders?

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Legendary Member
ChrisCrc said:
Now i always will say hello as i pass or nod
It is clear that you have a totally relaxed attitude to cycling:smile:, nothing wrong with that, but you have to accept that others take a different approach. Some of us are leisure cyclists, some utility, some sporting, whilst others are out and out competitive.
I tend to think of the sporting and competitive types as athletes or sportsmen, and just as I do not expect to get a wave or nod from participants as I cycle past a golf course, football pitch or tennis court, then I don't expect to get a response from racing types on bicycles, but it is always pleasant when I do get an acknowledgement.:smile::smile:


nothing in moderation
as someone who is 99.9% of the time on a roadie, all i can say is that the op has never seen me out and about.


Well-Known Member
The Velvet Curtain said:
All I can offer is that research by Loughborough University has shown that cyclists who fail to acknowledge fellow two wheeled athletes, statistically have smaller penises - Hope this helps.

I studied at that establishment aeons ago. In my first term I and my fellow male 'freshers' were invited with a bit of pressure to take part in some reaearch. Individually we had to stand naked on a rotating platform and be photographed with the sort of camera used for aerial reconnaisance. Nobody asked us about cycling or our attitude to cyclists. I heard some years later that the guy doing the 'research' was found to have pictures of naked rotating young men on the walls of his flat.


Snakehips Bikes


snakehips said:
I studied at that establishment aeons ago. In my first term I and my fellow male 'freshers' were invited with a bit of pressure to take part in some reaearch. Individually we had to stand naked on a rotating platform and be photographed with the sort of camera used for aerial reconnaisance. Nobody asked us about cycling or our attitude to cyclists. I heard some years later that the guy doing the 'research' was found to have pictures of naked rotating young men on the walls of his flat.


Snakehips Bikes

We've all fallen for that one:rolleyes:


A Velocipedian
I don't follow that line of thought. If I were on a golf course I would acknowledge fellow golfers (although I know there is horrendous elitism in that sport - must have right clothing, shoes, clubs, caddy, car, etc, etc).

If it is obvious a cyclist is in serious training mode then I would not expect acknowledgement but even roadies cycle at less than 100% some of the time, don't they??

snorri;619524][quote=ChrisCrc said:
I tend to think of the sporting and competitive types as athletes or sportsmen, and just as I do not expect to get a wave or nod from participants as I cycle past a golf course, football pitch or tennis court, then I don't expect to get a response from racing types on bicycles, but it is always pleasant when I do get an acknowledgement.:biggrin::smile:
The grumpy roadie who overtook us yesterday without saying hello wasn't too chuffed when we caught him up the road...he wasn't happy having been chased down by a group of girls, lol! We normally wouldn't bother but he was so grumpy we didn't want to let him get away with it...!


A Velocipedian
Fantastic :smile:. Well done :biggrin:
Kirstie said:
The grumpy roadie who overtook us yesterday without saying hello wasn't too chuffed when we caught him up the road...he wasn't happy having been chased down by a group of girls, lol! We normally wouldn't bother but he was so grumpy we didn't want to let him get away with it...!
Can't say I really do and it doesn't bother me because I don't expect any sort of acknowledgment and I don't give it back.Why people are surprised at this I will never know.(I used too but too many bad manners so I got fed up)

On the day of 7/7 though when I was cycling to work a cycle courier actually bothered to speak to me though which was nice (also showed me the backstreets to Waterloo).Seems like things are different on days like that.

Perhaps twenty years ago was different.

Mr Pig

New Member
A few years ago, on the Glasgow-Edinburgh ride, I kept up with a guy on a racer for a few miles as we approached Linlithgow on my slick-shod MTB. He kept looking back, he was obviously not happy :0)

I know some perfectly nice road bike riders but we have to be honest here, some are elitist, stuck-up w*****'s!


Cyclists are just people. There's miserable one and nice ones.
It's like holding a door open for someone, who doesnt thank you for doing so (just an example)...it happens. I dont lose any sleep over it. I'll always nod or say hello, even if 90% didnt reply. As it is, 90% probably do reply.
Also, sometimes i'm aware ive nodded in return to a greeting..and then thought, did he see i acknowledged him ?
Oh I will generally if someone nods but it's very rare in London so I don't look out for it/don't expect it.I try not to be stuck up because generally im not.If other people are then that's up to them.

Yes I am miserable sometimes,generally it could be on my seventh commute.Today is only my fourth of seven.


hackbike 666 said:
Oh I will generally if someone nods but it's very rare in London so I don't look out for it/don't expect it.I try not to be stuck up because generally im not.If other people are then that's up to them.

Yes I am miserable sometimes,generally it could be on my seventh commute.Today is only my fourth of seven.

LOL i didnt mean you specifcally Hack.. i mean in general life, you can be nice to someone...and you dont always get the response you'd hope for.

On the subject of London, i woudnt be surprised if fewer people acknowledged you....to be fair, when i'm commuting, i only tend to nod to fellow road bike riders. People who commute tend to do so for financial reasons, not because they're enthusiasts (generally speaking), so they have no affinity or connection with felow cyclists. Thats my reckoning anyway.


New Member
Essex, UK
Quote>Originally Posted by snakehips
I studied at that establishment aeons ago. In my first term I and my fellow male 'freshers' were invited with a bit of pressure to take part in some reaearch. Individually we had to stand naked on a rotating platform and be photographed with the sort of camera used for aerial reconnaisance. Nobody asked us about cycling or our attitude to cyclists. I heard some years later that the guy doing the 'research' was found to have pictures of naked rotating young men on the walls of his flat.

I thought that was the norm for racers (he he)

Mr Pig

New Member
gbb said:
Cyclists are just people. There's miserable one and nice ones.

I don't think that's the whole story. Certain kinds of people will be predisposed to be attracted to certain kinds of activity. Anyone is free to learn Karate but it attracts are higher than average percentage of people who glorify violence!

Similarly, people who consider themselves superior may be more inclined to ride road bikes, as they see them as being the pinnacle of cycling. People who are less self conscious typically might not mind riding a hybrid or commuting bike.

A generalisation obviously but there is evidence to support it. Road bike riders are generally more fussy about the clothes they wear and how clean their bikes are. The show matters.
Mr Pig said:
Similarly, people who consider themselves superior may be more inclined to ride road bikes, as they see them as being the pinnacle of cycling. People who are less self conscious typically might not mind riding a hybrid or commuting bike.

Ever been involved in mtbing? It's jam packed full of narcissistic egotism of the worst kind...
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