Note Boushti the cat.
More seriously the point that has to be realised is that all you are doing is making the theft more difficult
Parking next to an easier and more attractive target is probably as effective as upgrading the lock, as is the positioning with CCTV and busy places
Ulocks are easily breakable with a bottle jack, cable locks cut and chains bolt cropped.
Type "Almax" into YouTube to see some worrying videos.
The other problem is the public. There are also videos on YouTube where bike thieves are not questioned and on occasion even helped by Joe Public.
I was trying to avoid advertising the actual tequnique.
It's on YouTube!
Thee is a balance with these things, and I feel that this is a widely known technique and there is no need to hide it.
In fact the opposite.
If people now look at their locked bike and think ... "Can I fit a bottle jack in that space", then the benefit outweighs any risk
The most comprehensive advice and information I have seen in one place is Quick Release TV - Lock it or Lose it
Cable locks are pretty bad - when the lock rusted through on my not-often used old mountain bike I removed the lock with a bread-knife - as I didn't have a hacksaw. It didn't take long.
I agree with the first part of the sentence but I disagree with the last part...... it does not only contradict the first part but because I don't trust cables to lock bikes full stop, use 2 D-locks instead.
Any lock buys you time, no more than that. A cable might buy you 10 or 15 seconds while a top quality D lock might but you up to 3 minutes, even longer in some cases. Therefore, if you leave your bike in an isolated area then there isn't a lock that can protect your bike. Make sure you leave your bike in an area with CC TV if possible and with pedestrians.