As a child I had flat pedals on my bike. I had it stolen from school in 1969 and didn't ride a bike again until 1989. The pedals on the bike I bought then had toe-clips so I gave them a go...
I was young and healthy then so within 3 weeks of buying the bike I thought I'd be up to tackling local monster climb '
Mytholm Steeps' which has several ramps at over 15% before it gets to the worst ramp at 25%. I've posted pictures of it before...
The 25% bit...
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I actually managed to get up that, but the gradient gets really savage round the LH bend at the top so I was intending to pull out to the R and swing round on the easier side of the road. An aggressive motorist put paid to that idea, severely left-hooking me, and forcing me well over to the left, where it looks like this!!!
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Given that I was a novice cyclist and I had just been fried by ramps of 15%, 20%, 25%... my legs seized up completely and I came to a dead stop, only to remember that my feet were clipped to the pedals! I toppled sideways, still attached to the bike. Fortunately, I fell to my left and landed on the earth bank rather than the road itself so I wasn't hurt but it put me off toe-clips for good.
I can sometimes get up the climb now, sometimes not, but at least my emergency dismounts are much safer now that I use SPD pedals.